Accessible water and sanitation and good hygiene practices are essential for the treatment and wellbeing of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) and their carers. Yet PLWHA often face stigma and isolation within their own community, limiting their access to basic water and sanitary services.
This session will provide participants with an introduction to the integration of WASH practices into HIV-care and vice versa.
You can access a recording of Lucina’s Webinar 1 recording by clicking HERE (Internet explorer preferred, Google Chrome not supported).
This webinar revises Lucina’s material on why WASH matters for PLWHA and their families before going on to discuss a programming approach to incorporating WASH into various HIV settings. Julia reviewed national programming guidance, identify small doable actions to improve practice, and introduce the integration tool kit and other resources available to programme staff.
You can access a recording of Julia’s webinar 2 recording by clicking HERE (Internet explorer preferred, Google Chrome not supported).
(2010, WHO) Principles and recommendations for infant feeding in the context of HIV and a summary of evidence
(2011, UNAIDS) UNAIDS is pleased to make these guidelines to preferred terminology freely available. It is a living, evolving document that is reviewed on a regular basis. Comments and suggestions for additions, deletions, or modifications should be sent to
(2007, UNAIDS) GIPA is a principle that aims to realize the rights and responsibilities of people living with HIV, including their right to self-determination and participation in decision-making processes that affect their lives. In these efforts, GIPA also aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the AIDS response.
(2011, USAID/HIP) The purpose of this paper is to highlight discrete water, sanitation, and hygiene improvement activities that can be incorporated into HIV/AIDS programs in different settings to help mitigate the impact of diarrhea on PLWHA and their families—prolonging and improving the quality of life for PLWHA and protecting family members and caregivers from the debilitating effects of diarrhea on school attendance, livelihood, and caregiving.
Though produced for USAID /PEPFAR (The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 2011) this guide has generally utility in first reviewing why WASH matters for people living with HIV, and then offering out concrete opportunities for integrating WASH into HIV programming for home-based care, orphans and vulnerable children, clinical care, maternal and child health (ANC/PMTCT). Perhaps most valuable are the document annexes, which include a host of job aids for sanitation, safe disposal of feces, and handwashing; how to build inclusive latrines and handwashing stations, an advocacy powerpoint, and monitoring indicators.
WHO/USAID (2010) This document provides guidance to practitioners to facilitate the integrate of WASH into official HIV guidelines and standards and programming under ministries of health and national AIDS commissions.
(2003, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), Ross Kidd, Sue Clay) This toolkit was written by AIDS activists from over 50 NGOs in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia. They participated in workshops where they explored the implications of stigma and designed the exercises on different aspects of stigma.The Toolkit is a resource collection of participatory educational exercises for use in raising awareness and promoting action to challenge HIV stigma. Trainers can select from the exercises to plan their own courses for different target groups.—both AIDS professionals and community groups.
Parker, R. and Aggleton, P. (2002) The purpose of this paper is to propose a new conceptual framework to help inform thinking about the processes of stigma and discrimination about the way these processes relate to HIV/AIDS, and about potential interventions to address stigma and discrimination and minimise their impact.
Session Facilitators
Lucina SchmichBurnet Institute
Lucina Schmich has been working at the Burnet Institute since early 2005. She has held a variety of Project and Research Management/Implementation roles, supporting HIV prevention programs in Vietnam, Thailand, China and the Pacific Region.
Her current portfolio of work is divided into management and harm reduction areas including coordination of the Burnet’s Australian NGO Cooperation Program supported by AusAID, support to Burnet’s Indonesia and Pacific programs, and responsibility for developing Burnet’s work on alcohol and other drug research and programming in the Pacific.
Julia RosenbaumUSAID/WASHPlus
Julia Rosenbaum is a behavior change specialist with over two decades of experience designing, managing, implementing and evaluating public health programs for a variety of issues, ranging from water, sanitation, hygiene, to HIV, dengue, nutrition, adolescent, reproductive and child health. Currently, Ms. Rosenbaum serves as Deputy Director and Senior Behavior Change Specialist at FHI360 for the USAID-funded WASHplus Project.
Ms. Rosenbaum has worked extensively in Latin America and the Caribbean and East Africa, with some South Asia experience as well.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Erick Baetings, senior sanitation specialist at IRC, discusses the eye-opening experience watching a group of Cambodian actors use their talent to portray the difficulties people with disability face when accessing…